2024 Couples 18-Hole Mod. Chap. Stableford Sunday, September 29, 2024


2024 Couples 18-Hole Mod. Chap. Stableford for Sunday, September 29, 2024

2024 Couples 18-Hole "Modified Chapman Stableford"

 Sunday, September 29, 2024

8:57AM Tee Times on Lake/Valley

Max: 60 Players/30 Couples

Price: $60/Couple (Includes Drink Tickets, Golf and CB Payouts)


Format: Modified Chapman Stableford

60% A / 40% B Handicaps

3 Flights (Based on team combined handicap) 


1G/3N within Flight

(Flights and Payouts subject to change based on number of participants)

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